Skarbais ieraksts par kredītu

March 10th, 2012

Piemēram, dažas ātro kredītu kompānijas tepat Latvijā piedāvā gluži neticamus darījumus. Izskatās tas šādi: ja tu aizņemies 100 latus, tad vari atdot 95 latus (par 5 latiem mazāk, nekā aizņēmies — patiesi!).

Šis pilnīgi absurdais piedāvājums iespējams ilustrē ātro kredītu devēju biznesa modeli vēl labāk, nekā nostāsti par to, kā šie parādi tiek atgūti — ātro kredītu sniedzēji rēķinās ar to, ka jūs nevarēsit norādītajā laikā atdot šo kredītu, tāpēc pārmaksāsit, un pārmaksāsit daudz, jo ja visi aizņemtos un uzreiz atdotu savus parādus, tad ātro kredītu kompāniju vispār nebūtu.

Tas tāds neliels ieraksts par kredītu ņēmējiem, kas aizņemas neatbildīgi!

Linc: Interneta TV mobila…

March 5th, 2012

Interneta TV mobilajās ierīcēs!!! Tas nozīmē, ka Tagad arī savā telefonā var skatīties augstas kvalitātes interneta TV.


Linc: Interneta televīzi…

February 27th, 2012

Interneta televīzija Latvijā! Mūsdienīga televīzija dod iespēju vērot savus iemīļotos TV kanālus atrodoties ārpus mājas.

Linc: Kabeļtelevīzija h…

January 31st, 2012

Kabeļtelevīzija - Televīzija, kuras signāls pie skatītājiem tiek nogādāts caur kabeli.

Linc: Portatīvie datori …

September 8th, 2011

Portatīvie datori internetā ļauj ietaupīt laiku iegādājoties datoru interneta veikalā.

TV Over the Internet Pushes Broadband Growth

May 23rd, 2011

I’m Alex Villarreal with the VOA Special English Technology Report, from | http Representatives from some of the world’s leading broadband service providers and equipment manufacturers met in San Diego, California in December. They talked about the future of broadband and the Internet Protocols that govern it. Broadband is a high data rate connection to the Internet. A group called Broadband Forum organized the meeting. It was the group’s fourth meeting in two thousand ten. The Broadband Forum has almost two hundred members from around the world. They work to develop broadband network standards across the industry. Laurie Adams Gonzalez is the marketing director for Broadband Forum. She says the group has been helping service providers move to the newest Internet Protocol, known as IPv6. Mrs. Gonzalez says the current version of the Internet, known as IPv4, could soon run out of space.Broadband is one of the fastest growing areas of the telecommunications industry. A report from the Broadband Forum says the number of broadband subscribers reached four hundred ninety-eight million worldwide in June. By the third week of July it had passed five hundred million. That represents one in five homes worldwide. Mrs. Gonzalez says much of the growth has come from an unexpected source — developing countries. Asia represents almost forty-one percent of the total broadband subscriptions. More than one hundred twenty million of those subscribers are in China

Silversun Pickups - It’s Nice To Know You Work Alone

January 22nd, 2011

Silversun Pickups - It’s Nice To Know You Work Alone It’s the beauty of confession In the sound when the levees break And all the air is wrong, wrong Redesigning a connection A composition painted on my face With a smile drawn on, on Sit back and breathe It’s nice to know you…

USB Digital TV Tuner & Video Capture Device

January 22nd, 2011

This simple to use USB TV Tuner brings over-the-air high definition ATSC digital TV plus analog cable TV to your PC or laptop! Watch and record TV, in a window or full screen. Use the TV-Scheduler to record your favorite analog or digital TV shows using high quality MPEG-2. Play your TV recordings back to your screen any time! The Mini and compact PinDrive design makes it easy and portable to take along with you wherever you go. Enjoy free air HDTV / Analogue TV (cable or air) entertainment whenever you like and wherever you go. Enjoy Digital Terrestrial TV anywhere! No matter where you are, this device lets you enjoy high quality digital entertainment on your notebook or desktop PC. Features include instant recording for recording digitally, TV with time shifting and much more! More than a receiver, this USB 2.0 TV Tuner can record your Analog and HDTV favorite programs into your PC and never miss a moment. Get the ultimate mobile digital TV solution! Receives both, Digital and Analog signal. And with its Dolby Digital AC3 sound output, your sound quality will be just as crisp as the brilliant picture! As always, is delivering the technology you need, at a price you can afford. Don’t get left behind, order this handy USB Digital ATSC TV Pen Drive Tuner today!

Check this video

November 12th, 2010

Check this video out — Miss Social’s Bikini Babe Photo Shoot


October 22nd, 2010

Zināms, ka kredīti jau pastāv sen, bet interneta kredīti, kurus iespējams saņemt online ir manai galvai jaunums. Ātrais kredīts sastāv no divu vārdu salikuma. Pirmais ziņo, ka tas būs ātrs, bet otrais paskaidro, kas tas īsti ir. Gala rezultātā sanāk divu vārdu salikums, kas var būt dzirdams, kā kredīts ātrais.

Šie ātrie kredīti ir noderīgi tikai tad, ka nauda ir nepieciešama uz neilgu laiku, jo savādāk ilgtermiņā var smagi pārmaksāt. Ātrais kredīts var būt noderīgs situācijās, kad nepieciešami papildus naudas līdzekļi, bet līdz algai ir vēl laiciņš jāgaida, tad šis kredīts ātrais var noderēt, bet ja nav naudas un nav algas, tad šis kredīts var ievilkt vēl lielākās problēmās, jo nav vērts aizņemties, ka arī pēc pāris dienām, nedēļas vai mēneša nav gaidāmi ienākumi.